Marrying a foreigner in Nepal can have several potential benefits, depending on the perspective and context.
Normally, you can’t marry until one calendar month from the date the authorized celebrant receives the Notice of Intended Marriage.
However, you could marry your fiancé within that month, without providing a copy of the Notice to the celebrant, but only in exceptional circumstances. These include where there are:
The wedding ceremony must take place within three months after the license is obtained. In Newfoundland, it has to be done within the next 30 days. Whether it’s a religious or civil ceremony, it must have at least two witnesses present. During the ceremony, the spouses signed registration papers and the marriage license obtained a few weeks ago.
The parties (bride and the bridegroom) must give the court marriage application form, i.e. notice of the intended marriage, to the marriage officer. The notice of the intended marriage should be given as prescribed in the second schedule of the Act before 30 days of the intended marriage date. It should be given to the marriage officer in whose area either party to the marriage has continuously lived for 30 days or more.
Comparing all these provision in other countries, the court registration process is very easy and it won't take much time to register a court marriage in concerned district court in Nepal.
Documents Needed for Court Marriage in Nepal for Foreign Citizens
You just have to have a 15 days temporary stay order provided by ward office where you are current residing. It is to show that you have been residing in Nepal for at least 15 days in order to meet the jurisdiction of the court.
After that you can register your marriage in Nepal in 2 days.
Basically, in other countries it takes more than a month to finalize your marriage registration whereas it only takes 15 plus 2 days here in Nepal.
Note: For this you need to choose a good law firm for successful court marriage in Nepal.